I must have used up all my agravation on season 8 because I didn’t find myself having a very intense reaction to season 9. It was kind of, well, you have to accept the mess of season 8 as canon, so all there is to do is see how they play it out in season 9… ( Read more... )
Title: Revenge of the Jedi, Part 3/3 (complete) Author: borgmama1of5 Summary: Dean’s lost the Mark, doesn’t remember what he’s done … yet he’s still haunted. Wordcount: 11,600 parts 2 & 3, 14,600 total Genre/pairings: Gen Rating: R Spoilers: through 9.16 ( Warning )
Title: Revenge of the Jedi, Part 2/3 (complete) Author: borgmama1of5 Summary: Dean’s lost the Mark, doesn’t remember what he’s done … yet he’s still haunted. Wordcount: 11,600 parts 2 & 3, 14,600 total Genre/pairings: Gen Rating: R Spoilers: through 9.16 ( Warning )
Title: Revenge of the Jedi Author: borgmama1of5 Summary: "No, Dean, I wouldn't. Same circumstances, I wouldn't." Wordcount: 3000 part 1, 14,600 total Genre/pairings: Gen Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: through 9.13, ( Warning )
Title: Betrayal Author: Borgmama1of5 Summary: What every Supernatural fan is waiting for-Sam finds out. Wordcount: 626 Genre/pairing: Gen Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: through 9.06 ( Warning )